Well look at that - we have a new front door!
Isn't it a beaut?
We will never buy another front door again (it's a real wood door. We couldn't in good conscience get fiberglass but have real wood throughout the entire house. It made no sense to skimp on a door). Its perfect and we love it. If you look closely you can see that the vinyl siding on the left front of the house (around the door and window) was removed & now the original wood siding remains. If you look to the right side you can see where the vinyl siding still is. I mean its laid completely different then the wood siding was.
When the door was being installed and framed in they ran into some issues with space, hence having to remove the vinyl siding. It doesn't look pretty now but it won't look like this forever. & honestly I kind of dig the wood siding! Its dingy and dirty and looks its age but its still pretty sweet.

The wood framing on the inside will all be painted white.
The house is coming along pretty quickly now but there are still a lot of loose ends to tie up. We're thinking two more weeks and I really hope it is! I am so excited to move into this house.
Some (most) of the equipment has been moved out of our living room so now its become, for the most part, a big empty space. I LOVE seeing how far we've come and I will do a before and after post soon, just so you can see how crazy the transformation really is. It looks like a HOUSE again. & I am blown away every time I see it, honestly.
but for now its time to paint moldings and get the floor done. We've spent the past few days taping all the molding and windows in the house. All molding on the inside will be painted white. It's pretty tedious work but we're always moving forward.
Add baseboards, install carpet, paint. All our doors have been installed for the most part in the house.
Like I said, just a lot of loose ends to tie up.
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