Monday, April 27, 2015

The grass is always greener.

We have had muddy surroundings for quite some time (months upon months). Because we have so much tree cover here at the farmhouse, we didnt know how easy or hard it would be to grow grass. We knew we wanted grass - it's prettier than mud! but would it grow with all the shade?

Once Winter was finally over (close enough) and none of the big trees had leaves, we went about to attempt to grow some grass. We started with a small area. Grass seed doesnt come cheap and we didnt want to dump it everywhere and have nothing happen i.e. throwing money away. So we set up the little area to the left of our porch.

Troy tilled up the area, which took a considerable amount of time. Then as much grass seed as we could put down went down, and hay was laid over the top to protect the seed. We watered the heck out of it and the waiting began.

A couple weeks later - voila!!

This was so incredibly exciting. Seriously. Grass!! With that happening and happening well, we decided to start another patch in front of the well house. This time our friend came over with his neighbors gas powered tiller and the ground was ready for seed in no time at all.

The space:


Fast forward and.....

Grass is the best. Really.

We've since had all the foliage grow in but the grass is growing and going strong. There are a few spots that we have to put more seed down on but we're on our way. The next step is to start a patch to the right of the pathway. It will be nice to tie a couple areas together. 

Grass!!! Cozy, green, gorgeous grass!!
I love it and I just want to lay in it & take a nap.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The barn garden. Maybe. Part 2.

So where did we leave off. I cut down all the brush & branches I could, raked and hauled the leaves away and cleaned up the area. At one point there was a cement enclosure around the whole area. Over time I think the roots of the trees started growing so deep they basically demolished the concrete, which is why the entire space is kind of a shell. but hey, its a space. I'll take it.

So I cut down the rest of what I could with my cutters. I started feeling bad when I realized they were all maples. I could have had some good syrup in a couple years when those babies grew!

Then it was time for the chainsaw. I needed to really cut down some big branches. The goal is that we could take own the overgrowth above our heads and hopefully get more sun back there. 

Once all those came down as well as all the weeds and overgrowth, the big job was done.  (you can see in the second photo how much the trees have pushed the concrete). I now had a huge area to work with. but I decided to start small. 

My big first garden item? POTATOES! 

 I dug a square space and threw those babies in. 

A little fence to keep any critters (& my curious dogs) out. 

I haven't planted anything else down there as of yet. Ive been watching the sun, especially since the leaves have grown in. Im not sure how many trees I want to cut down for the sake of a garden, especially because these trees keep out a lot of road noise. 

So for now we'll see what happens with these spuds - stay tuned! 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The barn garden. Maybe.

As all of you know by now, we have a ton of trees. & a ton of trees means a ton of shade. and a ton of shade means not a lot of sun. & not a lot of sun means I cant grow much of anything as far as flowers and food goes. That being said there's a spot behind the barn that is terribly overgrown but I thought, pending cutting down some branches/overgrowth, could be a nice spot to just see what happens.

and so it began.

Here is whats behind our lovely barn.


First things first. Cut down all the stray branches, roots, ivy, etc. 

Then the fun part - raking years of leaves. 

I dumped the leaves down in the valley. Which at first was a good idea, until I took the first trip. & then I realized it was awful because hauling huge piles of leaves 200 feet was tiresome. but, it had to be done. & I pressed on.

Halfway done! 

Fast forward another hour - no leaves, cut out all the brush/roots. Clean slate. 

Break time.