Tuesday, November 19, 2013

some fun finds.

We've found some cool stuff on the property. The property itself dates back to the 1800's - we actually have a really cool old deed naming various owners of the land. Unfortunately we have yet to really find out when our home was built or who lived in it before the previous owners (they occupied it for about 50 years) but hopefully we can do some local research and find out more!

Obviously the spice rack isn't a historic relic but I thought it was cute!! The stove in the garage (first photo) is VERY cool, as are the barn locks and old oil lamp. The liquor store parking sign was used as the top to one of the hand made closets (they were made out of old wood water barrels). Such fun to find these things!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Let's back up

Let's back up. Before we post all these glorious after pics we have to share the BEFORE pics. The farmhouse, in all its glory, BEFORE the makeover.

It needs quite a bit of updating. but we are up to the task. It has such a beautiful structure that we plan to keep intact and definitely keep it a farmhouse feel. We're so excited. 

Oh did I mention we have an incredible well house next to the Farmhouse? Look at how gorgeous this building is. I won't lie, when we looked at the property and we drove up the driveway and I saw this I was sold. Even before looking in on the actual house! I LOVE this building. 

I mean let's be honest - how could we pass this house and property up? Its going to be too much fun working on it & making it our home. Even with all the work we've done - I love it!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

since everyone's asking.....

Since everyone's been asking about the (ongoing) progress at the Farmhouse we though "Hey! why don't we just blog this?" so here we are.

Back in November 2013 we found an adorable little farmhouse (on 4 acres!) that had all the charm in the world but needed a lot of updating. We decided that it was our dream home and the renovations would be worth it - so we bought it. The first photo is the house when we first looked at it. The one below is a photo we got from the sellers daughter, probably around the 1960's?

The interior was pretty outdated. As with any old house, there was a lot of work to be done. At first we thought we'd paint over the wood paneling and tackle the walls at a later date BUT (& this was a big but) we found some water damage above the fireplace. We took down some wall and found wood rot. This was honestly a blessing in disguise because it prompted us to really get the work going on the house that otherwise would have been put off for who knows how long. 

Not only was the wood rotted, there fireplace was pretty much falling apart. There was visible creosote nearly everywhere (i.e. fire hazard). Since we wanted to use the fireplace we knew we had to repair everything we could. We called a local chimney guy and got the work started to repair the fireplace. 

All the bad brick was removed, the creosote cleaned out & everything was repaired and replaced. The great thing? A working fireplace!! Hurray! The terrible thing? We saw what was under the walls. Which was a lot of beams connected to nothing (structural issues) & tons of damaged plaster. With this first big house project done we decided the next thing to do was take out all the wood paneling (in the entire house) and assess the walls. Since they were plaster we would see if they were still workable, if not we were going to drywall (fingers crossed we could rework the plaster!).